Published articles
- Lehe, L. J. (2018). “How minimum parking requirements make housing more expensive.” Journal of Transport and Land Use.
- Lehe, L. J. (2019). “Downtown congestion pricing in practice.” Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies.
- Lehe, L. J. (2020). “Winners and Losers from road pricing with heterogeneous travelers and a mixed-traffic bus alternative.” Transportation Research Part B: Methodological.
- Lehe, L. J. and Pandey, A. (2020). “Hyperdemand: a static traffic model with backward-bending demand curves.” Economics of Transportation.
- Lehe, L. J. and Devunuri, S. (2021). “Large Elasticity at Introduction.” Research in Transportation Economics.
- Pandey, Ayush, Lewis Lehe, and Dana Monzer. 2021. “Distributions of Bus Stop Spacings in the United States.” Findings, August.
- Lehe, Lewis, Vikash V. Gayah, and Ayush Pandey. 2021. “Increasing Returns to Scale in Carpool Matching: Evidence from Scoop.” Findings, June.
In-progress projects
- City as a reservoir system. A ‘Living Lab‘ funded by the Institute for Sustainability, Energy and the Environment (ISEE) to test a new way to measure downtown traffic using computer vision.
- MODL: Mobility on-demand Lab, a project funded by the Discovery Partners Institue.
- Uber and the First/Last Mile Problem. A big empirical project using GPS data to evaluate subsidizing Uber trips to/from transit stops in Chicago. Funded by the Center for Social and Behavioral Sciences “Digital Revolutions” small grant program and ISEE’s Interdisciplinary Seed Grant program.
- Taxation of Ridesharing. A practical report about the design, financial impacts, administration and legal considerations of various taxes on ‘ridesharing’ trips. Funded by Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT).